January 24-28 Wow & Wonder

I am always fascinated by how we can learn from anything and everything. I really appreciate reading about agency in the updates of the course site. I wish every university class and professor allows us to be that free with things. we would learn way more, and more efficiently if we were curious about stuff rather than just robots who agree to everything the instructor says.

One thing that I always question is if we can learn from everywhere and gain experience from literally anything we do online, Why are we still restricted from amazing career and life opportunities because some do not have a piece of paper with fancy ink saying “BA, MA, or Ph.D.”? Why are we still conforming to these now and soon-to-be-dated systems and “certifications” if we can gain high-level education for free? Why can the people who have university-level experience, who did not go to university, not get the same level of a career as us?

“Informal learning is a significant aspect of our learning experience. Formal education no longer comprises the majority of our learning. Learning now occurs in a variety of ways – through communities of practice, personal networks, and through completion of work-related tasks.” (Siemens, G. 2005. point #2 after para. 3). https://cmadland.github.io/edci338-202201/articles.html#connectivism-a-learning-theory-for-the-digital-age

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