Celebration of Learning

Apply social media to develop a personal learning network in support of your personal and/or professional development. Explain personalized learning and its relation to learning theory I want to address Samantha’s questions from her wow and wonder post for this point; “Will the chaos be too open-ended and unstructured for certain students? Will students be… Continue reading Celebration of Learning

Week 5 Wow & Wonder: Inclusion

Wow: I was watching some more of Shelly’s videos and this one got my gears turning. I love the point that kids today easily list their strengths because we have started implementing, a more inclusive way to look at things. Albeit, I do not think we are at the best version of inclusion yet like… Continue reading Week 5 Wow & Wonder: Inclusion

Categorised as EDCI 338

Wow and Wonder 3: Prensky

This whole article just validates the point that the digital world does not focus on equality, equity, and freedom for all. The WOW is just the utter shock and uncomfortability of this reading and the colonized mindset of Prensky is just bad. Although there are academics in this reading that opposed and made things right,… Continue reading Wow and Wonder 3: Prensky

Categorised as EDCI 338

January 24-28 Wow & Wonder

I am always fascinated by how we can learn from anything and everything. I really appreciate reading about agency in the updates of the course site. I wish every university class and professor allows us to be that free with things. we would learn way more, and more efficiently if we were curious about stuff… Continue reading January 24-28 Wow & Wonder

Categorised as EDCI 338

January 17-21 Wow & Wonder

One thing that stood out to me in the article “What is a Personal Learning Network (PLN)” was the video. The whole idea of relationship building and intimate connection online through this vast access of information made me more aware of how I’m actually networking online, regarding my business and the opportunities I’ve had with… Continue reading January 17-21 Wow & Wonder

Categorised as EDCI 338